Sunday, February 9, 2014

Why Fitness is a 4-Letter Word


What feelings does that word bring to mind? Think and reflect about it for a second, look back at it again.

Is it confidence, positive energy, a solid plan, understanding? Or is it closer to confusion, angst, anger, or frustration? In a world of high-tech medicine breakthroughs and a wealth of discoveries in bioscience, it should be easier than ever to be fit, healthy and have a smokin' hot bod. Yet amid all the fad-diet noise, media-hype, and over-packed schedules, one almost can't help but get lost in the shuffle and throw in the towel when it comes to health and taking care of our bodies.

We have almost conditioned ourselves to think negative thoughts and feel negative emotions when it comes to this subject. For some of us, we would rather continue paying our gym fees just so we don't have to re-start the painful signup process again once we "get motivated again" to go back. Look below. How do the words affect you below? Be honest. Tell yourself the truth. 

When we hear:
-Working out. Lifting weights. 5k run. Triathlon. Marathon. Fitness. (Women)-Two-piece bathing suit. (MEN)-Shirtless at the beach. Jogging. Running. Playing your favorite sport as a teen, now.

We can sometimes think:
-I can't do that. Yeah, right. Fatigue. Costly gym memberships. Soreness. Over-priced 'health' food. Confusing media messages. Too expensive. Treadmill-that-has-become-a-clothes-hanger in the corner. NO TIME. Larger dress/belt loop size again?!? (Expletives muted for the kids' sake)

I wish I could make life simple for all of us, and make it to where if we needed another hour in the day, or another thousand dollars in the bank, I could just pull a genie out of a lamp. But, life doesn't work that way, at least not in the real world. I understand how life works. Kids get sick or spouses get laid off, fender benders aren't as cool as they sound, and money is not always a fluid tool at your constant disposal, unless you're incredibly wealthy. (In which case I'd like to interview you for my future posts. Just have your peeps get in touch with my peeps, we'll do lunch, it'll be great.)  

Fortunately, I do know an ancient Chinese secret that can take us from where we are (re-read the "what we sometimes think" section above) to where we truly want to be. Honestly. I do! It has been handed down, generation to generation, from one zen-master to the next, somehow it made its way down to me, and now, to you. 
(Here is where you scoot to the edge of the seat). Are you ready?

Here it is:
"When it is obvious the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the actions steps." -Confucius

Translated- Shift, don't quit. Adjust your sights. Shift your thoughts to those of "I can, I will". Don't "once and done" it, keep trying. Adjust your expectations. Shift your mindset to say, "ok, I can do this" and keep going. Consistency is the key to unlock every door in fitness and health. I am living and breathing proof. It took me 20+ years to get to the point where I am appreciating my body, and I am still moving forward trying to get better and better as the weeks, months, and years go by. It takes time. Make it a lifestyle, not a fad. Make your resolutions on Labor Day, and by New Years, they're a habit. Then you can resolve once and for all that you'll never make another New Year Resolution. By the time all the "New Year Resolution-ers" have dropped out and left the gym by mid-February, you'll be in good enough shape to do this year's first triathlon. Who's to stop you? I'm here to say you can. 

Photo courtesy rosesarered63

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