Saturday, February 8, 2014

Small Changes - BIG Results

Did you know that the average plane flight will be off course for 95% of its flight? 

95% of the time, the plane is going the wrong direction! We always get there, right?

Why? The automatic flight computers and the pilots perform constant mini-corrections throughout the trip to keep the plane continuously heading in the right direction.

This is no real surprise. Think about driving your car, or even your bike. How often do you have to re-apply a "correction" to keep it centered and in your lane? If you didn't, you'd veer into oncoming traffic or smash into the curb. But we don't. We make a small change of the steering wheel, and we redirect the energy forward to where we want to be going.

Now. Apply this idea to your life. This sounds so simple, it almost begs overlooking and not worth our discussion. But, be honest and ask yourself a question, and this time wait for the answer. 
"When was the last time I moved in the direction I wanted for my life?
How long have I been moving in the same direction, year after year, even when I knew deep down in my soul that things needed to change?"  

The reason-Life happened. I stopped believing I could shift my life, and I just, became a survivor, existing just to make it to the next emergency that needed my attention. We all became accustomed to living on autopilot, going in one aimless direction, that we've forgotten how much control we have when we drive.

Some of us fell back asleep, and became actors in a gameshow we'll never win, moving from party to happy party with the masks on pretending to be satisfied, when we know in our hearts we aren't even close. It is time we both got back to the business of change. It's time we remembered how to shift again. 

Ok, so if we don't remember, what will it take for us to get back on course? What do we need to do to find our way again? The answer is three-fold, and it's quite simple. The only requirement is that we have to be intentional about changing and redirecting our lives. It is a purposeful act done repeatedly and intelligently, not haphazardly. The pilots flying the plane have to be intentional, hands-on, and purposeful to shift the plane to the proper heading and keep correcting it on a constant basis to get it to its destination.

Here are the steps:

1) Identify your current position.Where are you in life? Be honest. Be sincere. Do not be self-judgemental. Call it out and be done with it. Are you divorced? Broke? Hung-over? Drug addiction? Lust addiction? Anger issues? Depressed? Need a college degree? Need better relationships? Call it what it truly is. Say it. But remember- it's not who you are!!! It's just something that has happened to you that can change for the better! I am not divorced. I am an awesome, powerful, conquering creator! And, oh yeah, I do happen to have been divorced in the past. But it's not who I am. Stop living in hiding identifying with labels and neglecting the truth of who you really are! 

2) Identify where you want to go. Exactly. This is the fun part. Dream it, envision it, feel it, savor it! Now, WRITE IT DOWN!! (Seriously, get out a pen and paper!) 
What will it take to shift your life from now, to where you truly want to go? Who is it that you know or get to know that can help get you there? What skills do you possess now or could you learn that could get you closer? What can you do RIGHT NOW, this instant? What can you do tomorrow? Next week? Next month? What negative habits stand in your way-and who are the name of you mentors and/or close friends that you know have your back in helping your conquer these? What is your overarching reason to shift to a better life? How can you make a difference to others? (FYI. Make it more than about you, and you're almost guaranteed success).

3) Go. Be awesome and act accordingly. Just keep going. Just don't quit.

1 comment:

  1. Well said. Getting to our destinations is about making little habits and course corrections that add up to what we dreamed all along.
