Thursday, February 6, 2014

Dramatic LIFE Shift-One Gear at a Time

 Shift Towards a Better Life-One Gear at a Time

Do you remember that 'Christmas morning elation', where you were SO excited about getting out of bed and tearing into presents at 6:00 in the morning, and nothing would stop you or stand in your way?

Now, you just wish you had the energy to make it past lunch without three or four cups of coffee!

Where did it go? What happened? Why is life so not full of life anymore?
Can we get that back?

Ask yourself these questions, and really ponder them for a few seconds to see if any of these describe you.

Do you feel:
Overwhelmed? Overdue? 
Over-stretched? Over-budgeted?

Under-rested, Under-nourished, Unprepared, UnHAPPY??

Lost? Confused? 
Unsure about the next step? 
Tired? Tired of being TIRED?

What if I told you that life really and truly was AWESOME, and that you can feel energized and focused, alive and hungry for tomorrow and what it brings (good or bad!) 

Imagine feeling that endless child-like energy again throughout your every day. Imainge being excited about what the future brings! Anyone can do this. It takes just a small amount of time and a little effort, but it can be done. But you have to want it. 

Getting to that point takes one thing. Intentionality. Purposefully shifting your mind and your life and positioning it to catch another gear that moves you in a better direction and speed that enables you to find and shift again into higher and higher gears.

Now these 'gears' aren't simply metaphoric, they are real. They're symbiotic, interlocking gears that each control a specific area of your life that responds and reacts to improvements in other areas. Each system has the potential to bring you up from feeling desolated-to integrated, from down and out-to powerhouse, and from being broken-to being awoken.

I don't claim to have all the answers. But I know what has worked in my own life by following these principles. 
I have watched as others who have followed these same steps who have seen dramatic change and breakthroughs. 

If having a positive, more energetic, and meaningful life and progressing towards a powerful goal is something that interests you, then I urge you to continue with me on a journey where we will explore ideas and implement actions that have the potential to take you from being a bystander-watching the world go by you-to being the driver in your own life by shifting into gears that move you further and closer to the life you imagined so many years ago as a child. 
If you can dream it-It's possible. 
One shift at a time. 

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