Friday, February 14, 2014

I Just Can't Do This

   That's it. This is just too hard. Trying to get all this done is just too much for me. I don't have the skills, I don't have the resources, I don't have the knowledge, I don't have all the abilities necessary, I don't have all the energy, only so much motivation, I don't know where I'm going, and if I did, once I got to wherever it is I'm headed, what on Earth am I supposed to do once I arrive there??!

   I'm smart, but I know I'm not the smartest guy in the room. Sometimes I don't have the patience required, I'm not completely qualified or optimally certified. I lose my train of thought, my mind wanders, I'm often unfocused and I am altogether perfectly imperfect. 

   So you know what? I quit. But do you know what I quit? I quit believing that I could do all of this all on my own, all of the time. I stopped thinking it was all about me, and that I had to be the one to do it all. And do you know what I found out?

   I found out that I never had to do it all on my own in the first place. In fact, I needed people in my life to help me. I needed mentors. I needed accountability partners. I needed a tightly knit group of supporters who have my best in mind, who pull for me when I'm behind, and who cheer loudly for me when I'm ahead. I need them. And you will too.

   The point is, to do something extraordinary and above your current state of existence, it requires a great amount of effort, resources, energy, skills, and networks that are sometimes out of a typical person's reach on their own. The motivation, accountability, wisdom, and advice of others who have been there and done that is worth its weight in gold, because it's a jump start on the learning curve that otherwise we'd have to learn the hard-knocks way in real life.

    There are many people around us everyday, closer to us than we know it, and who are much more willing to help guide us than we give them credit for. We just need to do a few things first:

Surround yourself with winners and they will help you win!
1) Admit that we need help

2) Identify those already doing what you want to do

3) Even if you don't know them, acknowledge their worth and how much they have impressed you

4) Allow a more personal relationship to develop, and then ASK for their help/feedback and advice. Thank them!

   Do you want a better, more fulfilling, more powerful and more rewarding life? Are you tired of settling for less? Are you trying to lift your horizons above where you have always been? Are you dreaming of starting your own business, getting yourself back into shape, training for a marathon or triathlon (as I am doing), beginning a new positive habit or attempting to drop a bad one? These things are so much more attainable and rewarding with accountability partners, trainers, mentors, and those who have done these before. 

   And do you know what? Many of these people are closer to you than you realize, and they are waiting to be asked for help. Part of their journey upward is mentoring and helping those around them up to a better place. But if we aren't willing and humble enough to ask them for help, not only are we robbing ourselves of FREE helpful advice, we are also robbing them of their opportunity to go further their own journey. You only have to ask! 

  If you want to shift your life to be better, more fulfilling, more powerful, and more on target, then one of the first lessons we all can learn is that we need the help of others to share the load. They are there, all around us, and part of their calling and journey is in looking around and helping others around them up! I asked, and found an incredible blessing and mentor willing and ready to pour his life and wisdom into my life. I know the learning curve will be steep, and some of the wisdom and business knowledge may be slightly foreign to me, but I am a quick learner, and I love a challenge. So I say, "Bring it", now that I know I'm no longer trying to do this all on my own, all of the time. As a team, WE'VE got this. 

   What are you going to do this next week to match me? Ask around. I bet there's someone closer than you know, just waiting for you to ask them. Once you do, get ready to shift your life to a better place. We're getting there!

-Joshua D. Hollers

Image courtesy of cooldesign /


  1. Good and encouraging post. Getting those goals accomplished definitely takes personal and external accountability.

    The problem with accepting an excuse is that we open a door to repeat and ultimately believe those excuses instead of what we are actually capable of achieving.

  2. Thank you Jerry. You're right! We all need accountability partners to keep us honest-and moving forward.
