Wednesday, April 2, 2014


    I am in mortal danger every single day. Every day of my life I look down the barrel of a gun. All around me are my mortal enemies, standing there silently, staring me in the face, like vultures waiting for my final sigh.

   What are their names? Who are these harbingers of doom? Why do they persistently chase after me with such hate and vengeance? And most importantly, what am I doing about them?

   Their names are: Heart disease, Diabetes, High blood cholesterol, Hypertension, High blood pressure, Obesity, Cancer, Arthritis, High BMI, Poor eating habits, Poor exercise habits, Poor discipline mindsets, Negative self-image, Excuses, Apathy, Laziness, Complacency, and the list could go on. Everyone of these plague me from the moment I wake until I go to sleep. All I have to do is nothing, and they win.

Why are they after me? Unfortunately for me, they were gifts wrapped in black wrapping paper given to me at the moment of my birth to enjoy the rest of my life. They are in my genetic makeup, in my family tree, passed down from generation to generation from my parents, their parents, and on up the line of other men and women who did not heed good judgement, did not take care of their bodies, and did not believe the choices they were making were ever going to affect anyone other than themselves.

   Well, for better or worse, these "genetic markers" are coursing through my blood stream, ready to lay waste to my body should I let my guard down and give up. Even now as I write this, the capacity to overtaken by any one of these is simple. The choice is simple-do something positive for myself and my body, or, do something easy. Do the hard thing and resist, or pick up the t.v. remote. Which path do most of us take? Mine was obvious for years. The picture to the right was one of many inspiring me to get up and get moving!

   I am on a mission now to eradicate those things from my life, to delete them from my existence, and push them all over the cliff to extinction. I am not ok with living a life of half-way, of mediocre goals, content with "almost", and satisfied with "just ok"! NO! I want to live my  life to its fullest, and be alive and awake every moment of every day, fully capable and able to live and give my absolute best to everyone and everything around me.
Am I "there" yet? Obviously no, I am still on the journey. But I am seeing results, because I "shifted". I recognized where I was, where I wanted to be, what I was doing that wasn't working, what I knew I could be doing better, and began doing those things. Sounds simple right? You and I know change takes constant effort and purposeful strides everyday, and has both victories and setbacks. But, looking at the before and afters, within a few months, it is clear that progress happened. Anyone can do this. I am still far from where I want to be, but I am realizing successes today because of the simple shift in my thinking, believing, habits, and actions from a string of better yesterdays.

My hope is that somehow you too can see a better tomorrow because of positive changes and "shifts" today. I would love to hear your results! Likes are wonderful! But please also SHARE! I appreciate your thoughts and look forward to hearing from you!

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